You know what? I get it! Writing your vows can feel painful.
But it’s totally worth it when you’re standing up there, pouring your heart out to your partner.
As certified destination wedding specialists, we’ve had the honor of hearing some amazing vows.
And we’re sharing them with you – a little inspiration for when it’s your turn to write your own.
Plus we’ve tried to keep them as inclusive as possible.
22 Incredible Wedding Vows We've Come Across
1. Wedding Vows for Her
1. (Partner’s Name), as I stand here before you today,
I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love.
You are my rock, my confidante, and my greatest blessing.
I promise to honor and cherish you, to support you in your dreams.
And to love you fiercely for all eternity.
I vow to laugh with you in times of joy, and to hold you close in times of sorrow.
And I promise to spend the rest of my days making you as happy as you make me.
2. As I stand before you, I, (Your Name), promise:
To always try and see you.
That even if our bodies bend or our faces wrinkle,
I will see your true beauty; inside and out.
I promise to listen and remain present, in the moment.
I want to hear what is in your heart and on your mind.
I will speak up when necessary,
Because you matter more to me than the keeping of the peace.
I promise to be brave enough to be me; just as I am.
I will remain honest. You will know me and my greatest fears.
In doing so, you will have nothing to fear.
I promise to remember who you are.
And to never make you anything less to me.
I fell in love with you, for all that you are…And all that you aren’t.
I promise to always be there for you, even if it means (insert a funny experience)!
But seriously, I will always have your back,
And will catch you should you stumble or fall.
I promise to support you wherever you may need it.
I may not be able to solve all of your problems, but I do want to hold your hand while you work through them.
I want to share in your hopes, your dreams, your loves and your fears.
What makes you so beautiful to me is the combination of all of those things.
(Partner’s Name), I love you.
4. I promise to love you every single day.
When life seems easy, and especially when it seems hard, I will love you.
When our love is simple, and especially when it becomes an effort, I will love you.
I promise to cherish you, forever and for always.
5. Choosing to spend my life with you was an easy decision: you’re my best friend.
You’re the greatest gift I’ve ever received, and I love you wholeheartedly.
I vow to honor you, and cherish you, today and every day.
And it goes without saying… I’m beyond thrilled to be your wife!
7. As your wife, I promise you this:
- To fall more in love with you each day.
- To respect and honor you for the rest of my life.
- To cherish every single moment we have together.
- To support you in achieving all your dreams.
- And to be open and honest with you.
Not just because I know you’ll do the same for me.
But because I love you more than you’d ever know.
8. You entered my life unexpectedly and opened my heart in ways I never imagined.
With you, I found a sense of happiness.
And I promise to love you, always with an open heart and mind, without judgment or scorn.
I can’t wait to start our future together, and stand by your side through life’s adventures.
You’re my partner-in-crime, my equal in everything, and my entire world.
I love you, (Partner’s Name).
10. Out of all the people you’ve met, and all the places you’ve been, you chose to be here, with me.
And for this, I feel honored.
Throughout the years, we’ve had our ups and downs, but they’ve only strengthened the foundation of our relationship.
I can clearly see now your unwavering love, and quiet resilience.
My love for you knows no bounds.
And I promise to never let our spark fade.
(Partner’s Name), you are my soulmate, the one I chose to spend forever with.
I chose you in (insert year you started dating), I choose you today, and I’ll continue choosing you till the end of days.
11. I promise to forever trouble you with tight hugs and funny kisses!
I promise to keep appreciating your awkward dance moves!
I promise to keep the last slice of Pizza for you!
And I promise to stand by your side through thick and thin.
Above all, I promise to love, support, and respect you.
2. Wedding Vows for Him
12. You’re a once in a lifetime best friend who has stood by me through the darkest of times.
Never gave up on me even when I gave up on myself.
Have shown me the best of what life has to offer.
You righted me when I stumbled. You have been a guiding light to me since I met you.
My hope is that I can be that same kind of person to you for the rest of our lives.
Every day, I think about how unbelievably lucky I am to have you.
I vow to you, to be the best possible partner I can be for you.
To be there for you, whenever you need me, whatever the circumstance.
You will no longer need to stand alone. I’ll be by your side.
I vow to you, to love you unconditionally for the rest of our days.
My love for you shall never waiver and be as strong as it is today.
I vow to you, to always be open and honest. So there is never any doubt in our relationship.
(Partner’s Name), I vow to you, I will love you and support you, encourage you, laugh with you, cry with you.
Through the ups and downs, good times and bad.
13. Today, I promise…
- To always get rid of the roaches and spiders, even though I’m scared of them!
- To fold the laundry, even though only one of us has a walk-in wardrobe!
- To let you win an argument or two, even when I’m right!
- And I promise to never watch the next episode without you!
15. (Partner’s Name), I feel like the most blessed person in the world.
I have not only found my life-long companion, but also my soul mate.
Thank you for being there for me through all the ups and downs.
And for believing in me when I didn’t even believe in myself.
Know that I’ll always love you… Always have, always will…
16. (Partner’s Name), I will remain grateful to wake up and kiss your smiling face every morning.
And feel equally blessed to fall asleep, contentedly curled up in your arms each night.
I promise that once our time on earth is finished, even then I will still love you.
We will find each other again and hold each other once more.
As a token of my love, I give you this heart until love do us part.
18. The sun beams down on us today, our wedding day, and how could it not?
With our hearts beating as one, our love radiates, warming the world.
I love you with all my heart.
You’re my friend, my light, my soulmate – the one who keeps me singing, smiling, and laughing.
And as a symbol of my eternal love, I offer you this ring.
19. Let me start by saying, I’m madly in love with you!
I promise that my love for you will only grow with each day.
I promise to be your friend and partner every step of the way.
I will be there for you, day or night, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.
I trust, appreciate, cherish, and respect you.
Because you, my love, are my everything.
21. Do you recall the day we first met?
From the moment I saw you, I knew.
I knew that we were destined to spend all our days together.
And over the years, you’ve become my lover, my companion, and my best friend.
There’s no one else I’d rather journey through life with.
Getting to be your husband feels like an eternal blessing.
22. Today, surrounded by all our loved ones, I choose you.
I am proud to be your husband, and excited to join my life with yours.
I promise to support you, inspire you, and love you always.
For as long as we both shall live, I will be by your side – for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer.
You are my one true love.
3. Tips for Writing Wedding Vows
Wondering where to start with writing your wedding vows?
We’ve got your back.
Our certified wedding specialists are sharing a few important tips to help you out.
1. Reflect on Your Relationship
Take time to reflect on your journey as a couple, including significant moments, and special shared experiences. Mention them in your vows.
2. Whisper Secrets
Our Wedding Specialist Pamela says, “I love it when, right in the middle of exchanging vows, the couple leans in close and shares a little secret with each other. It’s like they’ve got something just between them, not for anyone else, you know? Totally romantic!”
3. Don’t shy From Being Sentimental
No need to stress about being too corny or cheesy, it’s your wedding day afterall.
As long as your words are coming from the heart, they’re excellent.
Honestly, I’ve yet to hear vows that made me cringe; all of them are beautiful 🥲
4. Take Inspo From Books & Movies
Got a favorite line from a movie or book that expresses your feelings? Use it!
5. Use Song Lyrics
Our Content Manager Sarah says, “It’s adorable when couples kick off with lyrics from ‘their song’. Take ‘Looks like we made it,’ for instance. It was so sweet when a couple started their vows the same way without even realizing it. Truly, great minds think alike!”
And most importantly, don’t listen to ‘experts’ who tell you to discuss the tone of the vows with your partner – we suggest keep it fun, and write it straight from your heart.
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